Booting uCLinux on the DE2-115 with Nios II

uCLinux on DE2-115

uCLinux on DE2-115


Johan Granath has written in with a special treat for everyone: booting uLinux on the DE2-115! For those that have not touched this brand of linux as yet, uCLinux is a special distribution of Linux intended for microcontrollers ( The document listed below a step-by-step instruction how to set up a Nios 2 CPU system with MMU for use with uCLinux, written in VHDL with an Avalon bus and kernel module to interface with custom user hardware, and updated to be built with Qsys.


DE2-115 with Cyclone IV E

DE2-115 with Cyclone IV E


For more the full documentation, see this link:



One comment

  • pino
    April 28, 2013 - 7:55 am | Permalink

    great! Very interesting project.

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